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Beneficiary Conundrum

Most people do not realize the power of beneficiary designation: Your beneficiary designation may result in family members becoming disinherited, or the government may restrict the amount of funds designated to an 18-year-old heir. A few examples of what to…

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Unoccupied or Vacant Homes

This article has two purposes: First, to highlight the typically unknown risk of owning a home that lacks full-time residents. Second, to explain the difference of what it means for a home to be either unoccupied or vacant. The nuances of these two…

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The State Can Take Your Money

I bet you thought that this column was going to be about taxes—fooled you! Just when you thought that the government could not get any more intrusive and over-reaching, we now learn that Pennsylvania is the first state to make…

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What’s a Digital Estate?

If you are not a lawyer or financial planner and haven’t heard of the term “Digital Estate”, you’re not alone. This new buzz term has been causing a great deal of confusion lately, even for those in the industry because…

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A Cautionary Tale of Two Widows

The thing that encourages me the most about being a fee-only advisor, without the ability to sell commission-based insurance or investment products, is that we can focus on providing the most knowledgable advice for the client. Too often I see…

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