Risk Planning Services
Assess Your Risk Planning Options with an Experienced Financial Advisor
Far too many individuals, families, and business owners buy insurance without having a financial advisor conduct an unbiased risk assessment. Others view insurance as a waste of money and forego it altogether. However, many types of insurance and risk planning are necessary expenditures for your peace of mind and protection of assets. Only with proper risk management can you protect against the financial devastation of an unforeseen event in the most cost-effective way possible.
Risk planning services from Financial Consulate will help you know when to purchase insurance and what policy best suits your personal situation.
For more information about insurance planning, please call Financial Consulate today. You can reach our Hunt Valley, MD office at 410-823-7283, our Gettysburg, PA location at 717-334-1861, and our Fernandina Beach, FL office at 904-833-7283.
Our Risk Planning Services
All types of insurance share a common trait—a policyholder pays a specified amount (called a premium) at regular intervals or as a lump sum, and in return, the insurance company agrees to pay benefits when the policyholder needs them. At Financial Consulate, we can help you navigate many different types of insurance, including life insurance, disability insurance, long-term care insurance, and key man insurance.
Life Insurance Planning
At the outset, life insurance seems simple enough: you purchase a policy that provides benefits to your surviving partner and children in the event of your death. However, because there are big differences between term and whole life insurance, some of which may affect your retirement savings, decisions about life insurance should be made with the help of a financial planner.
Disability Insurance Planning
The purpose of disability insurance is to subsidize a portion of your regular paycheck while experiencing a disability that prevents you from working. Short- and long-term coverage is available. We’ll help you find the rate that will maximize your benefits and fit your budget.
Key Person Insurance Planning
A company purchases this type of life insurance policy to protect against the sudden death of the owner or another key executive whose loss would create a substantial negative effect on the business. We’ll help you determine if your company needs this kind of coverage, and if so, what type of policy best suits your needs.
Long-Term Care Insurance Planning
Unlike ordinary health insurance, long-term care insurance focuses on more than just covering medical costs. Your policy will reimburse you for the costs of all eligible personal care, including room and board at a nursing home or assisted living facility. Several factors affect what policies you may be approved for, and the plan you choose could have a big impact on your retirement, so trust Financial Consulate to help you navigate your options.
Contact Financial Consulate for Risk Planning Services
Many consumers have the mindset that insurance should provide a return on investment. What’s important to understand is that the “return” is peace of mind. Financial Consulate can help you achieve this with minimal out-of-pocket cost for your situation. At the same time, we’ll make sure your insurance line up with your needs to better protect you if and when you collect on your insurance policy.
Insurance planning is just one of the many wealth management services we offer. No matter what stage of life you’re in, we have services that can help you reduce financial risk for you and your family. Our independent, fee-only financial planning company always puts our clients’ best interests first.
To work a firm experienced in risk planning, please contact Financial Consulate today. While we have offices in Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Florida, we serve clients across the nation.