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We will be conducting monthly webinars hosted by various members of our accredited team to discuss a variety of financial planning topics and help educate our viewers. Follow us on our social media platforms to know when our upcoming webinars will air live. Recordings of our previous webinars can be found here.

The Non-Financial Aspects Impacting Your Retirement

In this video, Drew Tignanelli & Alec Sunners discuss other aspects important to your retirement…

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10 Things to Do Before December 31st to Reduce Taxes In Retirement

In this video, Drew Tignanelli & Graham Ewing discuss what to do before the end…

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10 Things a Retiree Should Know About Medicare

In this video, Graham Ewing, CFP®, MBA & Roger Bair, MSF, CFP®, CIMA® go over…

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The Unfamiliar Territory of Financial Planning: Financial Therapy

In this video, Madison Bennett, CFP®, CFT-1™ dives into what Financial Therapy is, how childhood…

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10 Things to Do Before You Retire

In this video, Drew Tignanelli, CPA, CFP® and Graham Ewing, CFP®, MBA, discuss what you…

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How to Save Thousands in Taxes on Company Stock in a 401k

In this video, Drew Tignanelli, CPA, CFP® and Graham Ewing, CFP®, MBA, discuss how to…

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